Thursday, July 10, 2014

Many ways to help with your child's fear of the dentist.

It is complete natural for a child to fear the dentist. We are here to save you, with tips that really work. To start, it is not a good idea to take your kids with you to your dental appointment for a couple reasons. You may actually be anxious and not realize it and your child may pick up on it. Also, pediatric dental offices are very different than the adult dental offices due to the fact that they are not made specifically for kids. A pediatric office will appeal to children by offering an enjoyable atmosphere with fun paintings on the walls and decorations and toys to play with. Please don’t reward your child with anything as if it’s a prize, not even a piece of candy because they will expect it every time. We want our children to be worry free and maybe even look forward to going to their dentist without bribing them. However, do not forget to give them praise and get a smile on their face for braving their appointment. Something important to remember is that it will pretty much doom the chances of them being okay with the dentist if you wait until there is an issue to take your kid to an appointment. They will associate it with pain, discomfort, and those pointy objects don’t help either. When your kid asks about the dentist make sure to keep anything you say simple and positive. As adults we know the importance of oral hygiene and now it just needs to put it into words your children can understand. A good idea would be to have your whole family go to the same dental office that offers everything you need in one convenient place, such as pediatric dentistry, orthodontics mesa cosmetic dentistry, and adult dentistry. Plus everyone there will know how to handle kids since they have been around patients of all ages. We hope these tips truly help your family at your dental visits and always know we are here to assist you any way we can. We treasure your families and your business. Also, don’t forget we have a Mesa cosmetic dentist office ready to make that smile remarkable.

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